Title: Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Character Song Album
Street Release Date: November 21, 2007
01. Kamisama to no Yakusoku
02. Bara no Hitsugi
03. Kagerou (Nenchakushitsu Baizou)
04. Shujinkou
06. fetish
07. Zessei Bijin (Oironaoshi Mode)
08. Dead Line Dance, Death
09. Zesshou
10. Go Go Go Beauty!
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Hello! Would you be so kind to give me a listing "who's-singing-what" from this Character Singles? I'm planning to watch Anime soon but for know I can't say who's song is it (thanks to AL for giving a hint of Fuura Kafuka IM). I would really appreciate it.
Actually, If you dont mind, you can download the song coz inside there got list down the singer included the cover.
nvm, i'lll list down for you, but im not sure this' correct o not.
01. Kamisama to no Yakusoku --- Nonaka Ai
02. Bara no Hitsugi --- Inoue Marina
03. Kagerou (Nenchakushitsu Baizou) --- Sanada Asami
04. Shujinkou --- Shintani Ryouko
05. MISS UNIVERSE (S) --- Kobayashi Yuu
06. fetish --- Gotou Yuuko
07. Zessei Bijin (Oironaoshi Mode) --- Zetsubou Shoujotachi
08. Dead Line Dance, Death --- Inoue Marina
09. Zesshou --- Kamiya Hiroshi
10. Go Go Go Beauty! --- Kobayashi Yuu
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