Info of Full Moon wo Sagashite from AnimeNFO.com:
Other Names : Searching for the Full Moon
Total Episodes : 52 + 1 OVA
Genres : Drama, Fantasy, Music
Year Published : 2002
Studio : Studio Deen
Description of Full Moon wo Sagashite from AnimeNFO.com...
Full Moon wo Sagashite is based on the manga by Tanemura Arina. The story focuses on 12-year old Mitsuki who loves to sing and wants to become a singer. However, she has a tumour in her throat, which might only be cured at the cost of her voice.
One day, two Shinigamis (Death Gods from Japanese mythology), Takuto and Meroko, appear before her with news that she has only one year to live.
In order to realise her dream of becoming a singer, she prevails upon Takuto to transform her into a 16-year old girl and took part in a singing audition. Of course, she passes the audition and starts her singing career, but can she realise all her goals in the time she has left?
My Review on the Anime, Full Moon wo Sagashite...
Full Moon wo Sagashite was in the Top 5 of the Top 200 List of Animes in AnimeNFO.com, standing beside Samurai X:Trust & Betrayal, Full Metal Alchemist, Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, & Elfen Lied. Seeing Full Moon wo Sagshite was #4, I Had to Try it out, How Good Could it be? Was it Overated? Or Could it be Really That GOOD???
Full Moon wo Sagashite was produced in 2002, so the graphics & animation isn't as good as the ones now, BUT Don't Let that Get you. Cause the animation isn't bad either & is Good Enough to bring out the Emotions of this Anime. This anime also has 52 episodes, which i think they did it on purpose to show the 52 weeks in a Year Mitsuki has left to live. This Anime revolves around the Genre of Music, it is Quite a Happy-Go-Lucky Anime at first, but yet it grows into a very Dramatic & Emotional anime.
I SERIOUSLY LOVE This Anime for A Number of Reasons...
1) This anime is about Music, So it has Quite a Lot of Great Songs... =)
2) This anime has a Lot of Characters, *which can be a bad thing if the characters are stupid or don have enough time to develop...etc.* BUT Full Moon wo Sagashite Took the Initiative to Look at the Main Characters & EVEN Most of the Supporting Characters. How do I explain this... We know that Every character has Qualities & Flaws, and not many animes can bring the Characters out very well, as in show their true colours. But This Anime Did MORE Than i expected, They Even Did SOO MUCH in Showing Every Character has a Good Side & a Bad Side, EVEN the Supporting Characters. Because animes usually just show the development of the main characters, but Full Moon wo Sagashite BROUGHT Out the Main Characters VERY NICELy, & EVen the SUPPORTING CHARACTERs AS Well... Even the Bad Guys Had a GOOD Side as Well... (O_O)
3) Another point of this anime that I Loved was:
This ANIME IS EXTREMELY TOUCHING!!! The Story Moves Slowly at first with Lots of Fillers and quite childish But Each Episode showed Character Development in the Main & Supporting Characters. Throughout the Adventures the Trio face, & the people the Trio Meet, Little by Little, Episode by Episode, The Story Pace was Moving Faster & Faster, I Subconsciously Come to Understand their Feelings, I have Grown Attached to them without realising & i felt like I Know Everything about the Trio (Mitsuki, Takuto & Meroko), the Happy-go-Lucky & Fun Times, even the Happiness & Pain they feel. Thus, by the time i reached the Climax, where Everything was Extremely Unfortunate & Mitsuki's Life was Going Down, It was EXTREMELY SAD!!! I just couldn't control it, Tears kept Coming Out...
Also, 4) we all know Dramas are Quite cliche and predictable. But I Seriously Couldn't predict what would have happened in this Anime. Full Moon wo Sagashite had a VerY MUCH Differeent Ending than the One i Expected, Thought or Hoped For...
The only slight flaw of this anime could be the Overuse of the Songs & a LoT of Fillers. If you Can't Stand Fillers, You'd probably give up watching FMwS before you even reach Episode 10. & The Not so Nice Animation of the Anime, But STILL... WHAT THE HECK??? THIS ANIME IS SOOO GOOD & EXTREMELY TOUCHING!!! The Animation Won't REally MATTER!!!
Overall, This Anime has Great Music, though overused, & a Lot of Fillers. But WHO CareS? FuLL Moon wo Sagashite is a GREAT Anime, JUST WATCH THE WHOLE 52 EPISODES & By the Time You Reach the Climax, The Feeling from being Touched To the Heart & Crying SoOoO Much is a ReaLLy StreSS-Relieving & Wonderful Feeling...
Animation: 7/10
Comment: Not the Best Animation, But it's Good Enough to get the Emotions Through. The Character Designs were Cute too... =)
Music/Sounds: 10/10
Comment: GeeZ!!! This Anime is About Music!!! So Definitely the Music RockS!!! The Seiyuus are Great too!!!
Story: 10/10
Comment: Well, the Storyline is Quite Good. & It Starts off with Life of being an Idol. Then it Starts reaching the Climax & That's where the Story RockS MosT!!!
Characters: 10/10
Comment: There are a Lot of Character Development. Especially Seen in the 3 main Characters, Mitsuki, Takuto & Meroko. The Characters *even the supporting ones* all Showed they had Qualities & Flaws... & they were Unique in their own Way... =)
My Rating:

Comment: It SERIOUSLY DeSERVES IT!!! I rated it by How Much it Touched me... & it Touched me 10/10...
Tear Factor:

Comment: Need I Say More? It's CLEARLY DraMaTiC, Emotional & TOuching to THE MAX~!
Comedy Factor:

Comment: Not really a lot of Comedy, but there are those Light-Hearted Adventures which brings some childish comedy. But nothing Extremely Funny either...<_<
Excitement/Suspense/Surprising Factor:

Comment: Unpredictable indeed. I couldn't Predict what was gonna happen in the Climax, what the Character's Next Actions will be, Not Even how the Ending will Turn Out?! Really Surprising for Me... =) Not the Cliche Dramas u see around... ;)
Meaningful Factor:

Comment: Meaningful, Definitely. It shows us how much Impact some Events can have in our Lives. To the Extent where we would give up Our Talents? Hopes? Dreams? Even LIVES??? With a Lot of Emotions & Relevance to Real Life, Full Moon wo Sagashite Excels in this Factor as Well... =)
Click Here to See Legend...
Screen Shots...
Here are some Screen Shots I Took... =) I dl-ed AFK Fansubs this time, The same Fansubs that Subbed The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi... O(^-^)O

A Scene from the First Episode...

A Flashback of Mitsuki and her Sweetheart, Sakurai Eichi-kun... *Rabu-Rabu*

"Do You... Wanna Steal my BF???" Meroko says.. LoL...

Here is a Screenshot of the Trio. Takuto, the Cat, Meroko, the Rabbit, & Mitsuki, the Singer... This Trio have a Really Close Tight Bond with Each Other... ;)

A Screenshot from the Last Episode, WHO IS THIS GIRL ANYWAY??? How is She Related to the Characters Anyway???

& Lastly, a Screenshot of the 4th Ending Theme... ;) So SwEET!!! Well, when u reach that ending theme, then u'll know, But i think the Ending Theme was Really Sweet, Showing the Bond between them... =)
Full Moon wo Sagashite is BEST For People who love touching shojo drama animes. If you're a guy or someone who hates girly emo stuff, and only likes action, u probably wouldn't enjoy this anime as MUCH as I did. But then again, who knows if it could melt your stone-cold hearts?
Till my Next Review,
JoeL Un... =)
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