I randomly came across this anime & found out the seiyuu of the heroine was Yui Horie, very famous seiyuu who is the voice actress of Naru in Love Hina, Tohru in Fruits Basket, & MANY MANY OTHERS~! & SO~! Because of thaaat, & the fact that Yui Horie sang the OP theme which was a Nice Song, I Decided to Try this anime out. =)... Only to be extremely surprised that it wasn't what i expected... =_="""
Info on Inukami! from AnimeNFO.com...
Title : Inukami!
Japanese Title : いぬかみっ!
Total Episodes : 26
Genres : Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Love-Romance
Year Published : 2006
Studio : Seven Arcs
What Inukami! is About...
The Kawahira family have been a long line of Inukami-Tamers. "Inukami" literally meaning "Dog Gods", these Inukami are spirits which can have the appearance of a dog or a human, and teams up with an Inukami Tamer to fight against the evil spirits in the wold by forming a contract.
Kawahira Keita is the descendant of a long line of Inukami-tamers. However, he is thrown out by the family because he lacked ability. One day, an Inukami named Youko comes. At first glance, she looks graceful, obedient, and, above all, beautiful. Eventually, he forges a contract with her. However, she is a problematic Inukami that no one has been able to control, with the power of fire and ability to teleport.
Keita is a man of worldly passions who likes money and girls very much. On the other hand, Yoko is destructive and very jealous. With Youko's Abilities & Jealousy, the endless train of Keita's embarrassments never end.
Characters of Inukami!...
There are many Many MANY characters in this anime, & so, i shall only put the 2 main characters of this anime.

Kawahira Keita, a flirt and the inukami tamer of Youko. He lives a very interesting and hectic life together with Youko as they constantly exterminate evil spirits together. As they take on more missions, they meet more people and find out more about this very evil magician...

Youko, the inukami of Keita, she controls the powers of Fire & Teleportation. Using those Abilities to fight against the Evil spirits in the World, and punishing Keita everytime he's unfaithful to her...
My Review on the anime, Inukami!...
At first glance, One might think Inukami! is just another super hero anime, with the main characters who have super powers to save the world from bad guys. Well, this is true, but then once you try watching it, Inukami! will totally surprise you and bring you into the world of "Elephants", Nudity & Perversions...
To start off with, the animation was pretty decent for a 2006 anime. The animation was pretty good, The action scenes looked okay, & mmm, i have to say the character designs were just all right, but could have been done much better. Overall, the animation was just decent for a 2006 anime. However, i must say that the constant changing of the ending theme animation was a pretty good idea, to prevent boredom. =)
The Sounds were pretty good. With a Nice OP Theme, sung by the heroine of this series, Yui Horie, the nice Modern techno-ish music. x) ED Theme was a random song, but it had a nice melody... & mmm... The Seiyuus did a Pretty Good Job too. No Complaints here. =)
Mm. now about the story. At first, Many Many Many Characters were introduced in such a short period of time, & I started to wonder, if the extremely large number of characters will affect Inukami in a bad way or not. Well, Inukami! is a fantasy anime with super powers and Lots of Perverts & Ecchi ideas, I seriously don't know and DON"T WANT to enter into the mind of the Creator of Inukami!... =_="""... & Also, i think the creator has a very very weird fascination for Muscular Macho men in White Loincloths... =_="""
Inukami gives More Meaning to the proverb "Never Judge a Book by Its Cover". When i saw this anime, I thought it would be something like Bleach, using powers to fight against bad spirits. Who Knew this Anime had SO MANY OTHER Random STUFF ADDED?! Yes, Very Random & Every Episode Should Make you Laugh OutLoud if you enjoy that kind of comedy.
At the End of the anime, it gives a nice feeling that Inukami! ended in a nice happy way. & it was fun watching those Lighthearted scenes. There was considerably amount of character development in ALL the characters, though some might seem unnatural. I think this anime could be meant for kids, as it gave me the impression of "Power Rangers" or those kind of shows, the good guys, for some reason, no matter how injured/tired they were, they could still stand up and fight, even after being stabbed through their bodies?! Over & Over Again?! =O but then again, this isn't meant for kids with all those nudity and perverts. i think this anime should be MA- 15... =_=""""
Almost Everything in this anime is Super Unbelievable, But I guess it all adds up to the Superbly Unbelievable Wacky Aspect of Inukami!... =_="""...
For the Characters, there were many many characters involved, and there was a considerable amount of character development in all of them, so the balance is good. But well, all the characters in the anime were there to bring an extra laugh or two for this anime. & they did their jobs very well. =)
Overall, Inukami is an anime that One should NOT Take Seriously. Full of Wacky Comedy & Perverts, & Macho Men in Loincloths?! Every Episode will make you laugh out loud. But be warned. Don't expect too much of it. I have to say this was just a decent anime overall, since this anime had scenes where they tried to be sad and dramatic, but it didn't work. =_="""... and scenes of philosophy and the heroes lecturing etc.etc? but they just weren't powerful to work or change your life in anyway. but then again, well, i suppose they just added those scenes anyway just so Inukami will be complete in some way.
Either way, Inukami is a pretty Corny anime & Quite Predictable in Many Scenes, but still forgivable because of the Comedy & Light-heartedness with all the Characters in this Anime. =)
My Rating...

Animation: 8
Comment: Nice Animation. Though i didn't really fancy some of the character designs. But other than that, the animation is Just Nice for this anime. =)
Music/Sounds: 8.5
Comment: GreaT OP Theme. Nice ED Theme. Good Seiyuus. No Complaints. =)
Story: 7.5
Comment: Wacky Storyline which has a very wacky twist involving perverts and weird "desires". =_="""... The predictability of the outcomes and the "invincibility" of the characters, which was just too unbelievable brought the marks down.
Characters: 7
Comment: Character Designs were okay, didn't fancy it too much. A LOT of Characters, which resulted in not too many major character development in the characters, but just a considerable amount of development shared between all the characters. x)
Tear Factor:

Comment: Inukami! tried to be sad and a little dramatic towards the end. But it didn't work out too well on me, cause the whole anime seemed pretty corny and too unnatural to be sad or dramatic in any way.
Comedy Factor:

Comment: Lots of Random Wacky Comedy & Perverts & Lightheartedness. I think the Wacky & Corny Comedy is the only thing that Makes Inukami! an anime worth talking about...
Excitement/Suspense/Surprising Factor:

Comment: There were times when they tried to be Unpredictable, but failed quite miserably. & Sometimes when they were Quite Unpredictable, cause of the wacky storyline & the twists in it. But then again, overall, Inukami! was pretty predictable, and i'm sure almost everyone can predict the ending without needing to finish watching the last few episodes, which was the final battle scenes...
Meaningful Factor:

Comment: Actually, I think i'm being too nice to even give Inukami! a one meaning point... =_="""... Is There Any Meaning in an Anime with Full of Deep Dark Desires & Perverts & Cosplayed Macho Men/ Muscular Men in Loincloths?! but then, there were times when Inukami! "tried" to emphasise some meaning... the characters can be considerably relatable and understandable. But other than that, Inukami! doesn't have any meaning with all that wackiness. xD
Overall, Inukami! seemed to have tried to be a Complete Anime with All that Wacky, Corny Comedy. Despite failing quite miserably in trying to be dramatic/unpredictable/meaningful.... Inukami! is forgivable because it has a Nice Themes, Good Seiyuus, Decent Animation & Really Wacky Ecchi Comedy that will Make you Laugh Out Loud Every Episode. =_="""
Click Here to See Legend...
For the sake of it, I'll add some screenshots... x)

The Evil Spirit First Seen in the whole Anime...

OoO~! I Found a Trivia. What is that Statue that Keita is Looking At? A Character seen in the later episodes... x)

Youko Using her Fire Power... x)
It was worth watching Inukami!, i guess. But it's Definitely not one of the best animes out there. However, it's still worthy of a watch. =)
Till my Next Review,
JoeL Un...
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