Randomly found this anime movie, & It seemed to be pretty hyped and good. & Since i've always liked to watch stuff about time-travelling. Why Not? =P
Info on Toki wo Kakeru Shojo from AnimeNFO.com...
Title : Toki wo Kakeru Shojo
Japanese Title : 時をかける少女
Other Names : The Girl who Leapt Through Time, Tokikake
Total Episodes : 1 (Movie)
Genres : Adventure, Drama, Love-Romance, Novel, Science-Fiction
Year Published : 2006
Studio : Madhouse Production
What Toki wo Kakeru Shojo is About...
“Toki wo Kakeru Shojo” is a juvenile novel written by Tsutsui Yasutaka. It became TV drama, movie, and Manga several times. However, this is the first time to become anime. The main character, Konno Makoto, is brighter and more easygoing than any other characters in movie or TV drama made before. At once she knows she acquires the power of “time leap”. She uses it without hesitation to satisfy her own desires.
A little bewildered with her new powers at first, Makoto uses them extravagantly to avoid being tardy and to get perfect grades on tests, but soon things begin to turn bad as she discovers how her actions can adversely affect others.
Characters of Toki wo Kakeru Shojo...

Konno Makoto, Easy-going, Energetic, & Happy-go-Lucky. Spending her life doing whatever she wants and having fun with her 2 best friends, Chiaki & Kousuke. One day, she finds that she has the power of "time leap" and uses it for her own purposes. But she does not realise what are the consequences...

Mamiya Chiaki, always spending afternoons playing baseball with Makoto and Kousuke. Spending the days happily with the both of them...

Tsuda Kousuke, the kind, clever and responsible type. He wants to get into Medical School, but spends his afternoons playing baseball with Makoto & Chiaki anyway...
My Review on Toki wo Kakeru Shojo...
I think this anime Strongly lives up to its hyped-ness. Very Philosophical, & Dramatic despite the main character being a happy-go-lucky energetic girl. Toki wo Kakeru Shojo Strongly deals with about the Consequences that comes along when one uses a certain power for their own selves... & It Definitely Got its Message across, Makoto Learns her Lesson the hard, Painful Way as she played with her power...
One of the reasons why Toki wo Kakeru Shojo is a Really Good Anime, is firstly, its animation. The Sceneries are Beautiful, The Character Designs are Well Done, & the Animation is Nice & Smooth. Could Anyone Complain?! I Think a Lot of Effort & Money has been put into this, Just looking at the extremely long list of names of the staff that worked on this movie in AnimeNewsNetwork... One could easily tell this anime had Lots of Budget. x)
Sounds? Nothing to complain either. The Seiyuus did a Really Great Job. Nice Theme Song. OSTs are Great. Gee, i can't find any flaws... =O
Now the Story... Well, the heroine, Makoto, Lively & Energetic with her 2 best friends, Chiaki & Kousuke. Live their High School Lives happily, doing things together. One Day, Makoto suddenly realises she had the power of "time leap", to go back into time, reseting everything she did wrong, all for herself.
We see that Makoto is what one might call an extremely thick-headed and immature female. & Yes, she is. She visits her aunt at a museum from time to time, and her aunt is quite the opposite of her. Not very outspoken but very wise indeed, advicing Makoto about the consequences of abusing her power for her selfish purposes.
"When you're Enjoying yourself, doesn't that mean somebody else is suffering as a Result?"
A Very Wise Sentence indeed which doesn't mean a thing to Makoto at first. As time passes & as Makoto uses her power more and more for her own purposes, that sentence begins to ring something in her thick-headed skull. She realises that she uses her power to run away from things she does not want to face, & realises the pain and consequences of trying to change her past.
Even though Chiaki & Kousuke were always there with Makoto, they became secondary characters as the movie went on, because of the way Makoto used her powers. & Throughout the movie, Makoto faces Pain & Heartbreaks, & starts to Mature & Understand that she shouldn't have abused her powers like what she had been doing.
Yes, Makoto Learns her Lesson through the Hard, Painful Way. & The Character of Makoto Developing as the movie kept going on, More & More. Though i don't really think this anime is classified as "slice-of-life", but definitely in some way, Toki wo Kakeru Shojo Teaches a VERY VALUABLE Lesson about the Consequences of Changing One's Past. & The consequences are very "slice-of-life" kind, in my opinion.
Even though Makoto was basically the main character of the movie, but the other 2 characters, Chiaki & Sousuke, even though they had seemed to become secondary characters as the movie progressed, The Closeness of the Trio could Be Seen & It was a Very Nice Feeling to see the Closeness of their bonds, and how their presence had affected Makoto's decisions a Lot.
Despite the fact that the movie didn't end the way that I had wanted it to end. Well, it's science-fiction, but the drama of the reality that Makoto has to face was Really Great. The Movie didn't end the way I wanted it to End...T_T... BUt It had a somewhat of a Happy Ending anyway.
BUT I JUST CAN't HELP CRYING Because of What Makoto had to go Through... ='( Toki wo Kakeru Shojo HAD SO MUCH DRAMA & EMOTIONS IN IT, Without Realising it, I Had Grown SO ATTACHEd to Makoto in Just 1 and a half hours?!
I Have to Say that Toki wo Kakeru Shojo is a REALLY GREAT Anime Movie & DEfinitely Deserves a Watch. Even if you aren't interested in genres of going back in time, well, this movie has Very Good Lessons about Life anyway, & how in general, power should never be abused for selfish purposes...
I'm sure the Author of the Original Novel Had Put A LOT of thought into this WHOLE Storyline, & I Have to say, that He did a REALLY GREAT JOB~! Cause this Movie is ONE OF THE BEST ANIME MOVIES I'VE SEEN~! EVER~!
Now To the Ratings?
My Rating...

Animation: 10
Comment: Really Beautiful Sceneries. GREAT Character Designs. NO Flaws I can find...
Music/Sounds: 9
Comment: Really Great Music. The Ending theme is a Very Nice Song too. Seiyuus Were Great Too. Just that I can't find a reason to give the sounds a 10...
Story: 10
Comment: A Girl given the Power of "Time Leap" & Learns her Lesson the Hard Way? The Whole Storyline, The whole Changing of the Past & Present was Really well thought of & Well Planned. DEFINITELY A 10~!
Characters: 10
Comment: Gigantic Character Development seen in Makoto. Though i felt like, i wanted to see more character development in her 2 best friends, Chiaki & Kousuke. But i have to overlook it, cause afterall, Makoto IS the one who changes time, so it makes sense that those 2 have to become secondary, somehow "forgetting" their charater developments. But it's all right, I'm giving 10 Anyway cause Makoto's character development is Really Great~!
Tear Factor:

Comment: IT Definitely Made Me Cry~! T_T... but though not as much, cause it was onlt 1 hour 40 minutes long? But for a Movie to make me cry, It's REALLY GOOD~! If it was a Series, it'd probably be EVEN MORE PoweRFUL~!
Comedy Factor:

Comment: It has Some Comedy. The Light-hearted & Fun Times. But nothing exactly that you would laugh really hard at. <_<
Excitement/Suspense/Surprising Factor:

Comment: It Was Definitely Full of Surprises. Even though Makoto had gone back in time numerous times, there was Always something that would've gone wrong or turn out differently than expected, which resulted in a big Surprise & Makoto using her Power MORE to reverse her actions...
Meaningful Factor:

Comment: FULL of Meaning & Lessons that some People take a WHOLE LIFETIME to Learn, & Makoto is lucky to learn it practically without spending any time. Everything has their Consequences, & If you're Enjoying yourself, someone out there is definitely suffering because of those actions. Makoto, despite having a lively energetic character which some people might not have, but she's Still an Extremely Relatable Character & her Emotions & Actions are Understandable, & An Extremely Valuable Lesson is Learnt at the End, through the extremely hard and painful way...
Overall, Toki wo Kakeru Shojo is a REALLY GREAT ANIME MOVIE~! Very Beautiful & Meaningful~! T_T
Click Here to See Legend...
Okay, some Screenshots for the sake of it. x)

the 3 Besties? Chiaki, Makoto & Sousuke...

A Preview of the Really Nice Animation... x)

Makoto rolls over and hits her head as she "Time leaps"...
Until now, I still feel the sadness and powers of the drama in the movie. It's SO Darn Sad. T_T... maybe it's kinda cause Chiaki reminds me of Yano in Bokura ga Ita, & I kinda subconciously connect the 2 of them together, and i'm having the same feeling of being hooked to this movie just as i was hooked to Bokura ga Ita... =O ... But anyways. Toki wo Kakeru Shojo is AN EXTREMELY GREAT MOVIE~! ONE of the BEST ANIME MOVIES AROUND~! T_T
Till the Next Review,
JoeL Un... T_T
I probably wished for a happier ending, but the way it ended wasn't too bad either & it was probably for the best. sooo, i guess i shouldn't have anything to complain. Or maybe, the only complaint i have is, I WANT MORE~! T_T...
1 comment:
Lol i totally agree with you. I saw this movie alrdy. Awww man. I loved it. I was like HOLY COW. Pshhhh the ending was great to me =). It wasn't just OKAY it was perfect. let me try to remember the ending. Ummmm...well its okay. Don't wanna kill it for the pplz who wanna watch it. Anyways its good! Its perfect, flawless, and it will make you TEAR! with a lil laughter with it =) -Hampfer
P.S Sup CxNi. I always visit your site everyday for new updates =).
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