ARIA The Animation... An Anime that i had seen around with high ratings and good reviews about it, but not many viewers. Is It Underrated? I had finally found the time to try it & It Is DEFINITELY Worth The Praise That It Has Been Given. No. It Was EVEN BETTER Than I Thought It WAS!!!
Info on ARIA The Animation from AnimeNFO.com...Title : ARIA THE Animation
Japanese Title : アリア The Animation
Total Episodes : 13
Genres : Drama, Science-Fiction
Year Published : 2005
Studio : Hal Film Maker, ARIA Company
What ARIA The Animation is about...On the planet Aqua lies the watery city of Neo Venezia, a tourist hub in which people travel around in gondolas. Professional gondoliers known as "Undines" are well-revered as they act as tour guides for the people. Mizunashi Akari is a gondolier in training and also an employee of Aria Company. What Kind of People will She Meet As She Rides them on her gondola? What Kind of Experiences will She Have?
Characters...There Are Quite a Number of Characters... But here's the 2 Main Characters... x)

Mizunashi Akari, an apprentice gondolier who is still in training... She has Just arrived in Aqua 1 and a half years ago but had decided that she wanted to be a professional Undine.

President Aria. Cats with Aquamarine eyes are the presidents of Undines' Companies. President Aria is a friendly, active cat that always stays by the side of Akari...
My Review on the Anime, ARIA The Animation...Firstly, I must say that my Rating is probably very biased Because Aria the Animation is truly a splendid anime that just amazed me. It is My Kind of Genre, & Everything about It Was Great To Me... Why? Well, I shall explain in this review...
Well, the Animation... I have to say that the sceneries were really beautiful. The Character Designs were Nicely Done as well as The Elegance of the Undine's Uniforms. For a 2005 anime, more would be expected. I thought this anime might have been from around 2002, but with the technology of 2005, i just felt that they could have done a much cleaner animation... Or maybe it's just the ones that i'm watching which isn't exactly quality. =/
The Sounds? Were Beautiful. Truly Calm Melodious Music With GREAT Female Vocals, Singing at the Top Pitches SoOo Naturally & Gracefully. The Opening Theme was a Very Melodious Song by Makino Yui. The Ending Theme is a Sweet Peaceful Song By Round Table Feat. Nino. There were a couple of Insert Songs which were Really Beautiful in Sounds... The Seiyuus Did their Jobs Really Well... Everything felt Natural, & I Must Praise the Seiyuus Even MORE~! Because this anime would probably not have its Full Best Effect if the characters' lines weren't said with the right emotions the right way. =)
The Story? Well, it doesn't seem to contain much of a story, and this genre would probably annoy many people. ARIA the Animation is Basically a Slow, Peaceful, Relaxing Anime which takes a brighter happier look at the events in our lives. Yes, I agree when some reviewers said that this anime should be watched at the end of a day. After School/Work or Just Any Tiring Day, & Relaxing by Watching ARIA, the sceneries are pretty, The Jokes are Shojo-ish & Cute-sy, But Every Episode Contains A Really Deep Meaning & Very Beautiful Thoughts within itself.
I would say... To Truly Enjoy ARIA the Animation, Don't Expect Anything. Don't Expect any Action, Romance, Laughter or Anything... Just Let It Flow... Smoothly & Slowly, the Emotions & Thoughts Start Filling you up, & these Beautiful Thoughts that are embedded within each episode will be realised at the end, & the viewer will then realise how Wonderful These Meanings & Thoughts Are...
& This is Probably the First 13 Episode Anime that could make me cry in more than 2 Episodes. I Think I Cried while Watching 4 or 5 Episodes out of the 13 of them. What's Even better is That, I Didn't Cry of Sadness like Most animes which have those dramatic and sad heart-breaking climaxes... I Cried out of the Happiness & Joy, Because of these Really Beautiful Meanings & Wonderful Emotions & Thoughts...
ARIA the Animation Is Truly Amazing in this Way. Let's See, For Example. I used to hate Time. With Time, everything changes, you lose your previous connections with your friends, it's so darn sad to see you can't have the same fun with the same people forever... I usually get depressed by the thought of how cruel time is... BUT ARIA the Animation, brings the Viewers to Look at this Cruel Thing in a Different Point of View... & By the End of that Very Episode, My Heart Felt Full, & I Just Couldn't Hold Back my Tears at How Beautifully They had Presented their Thoughts & These Emotions Out So Darn GOOD!!!
The Characters Of Course were Unique in their own way, and we grow attached to them naturally. It is the Character of Akari that Truly Brings out the Beauty of ARIA the Animation's Story... Her Bright, Optimistic Personality which is really likable and definitely amazing really made this anime GREAT~!
Also, A New Character is Met or Relationships with past Acquaintances are improved in every episode. But The Characters that are seen in most of the episodes are well developed. I Really Liked the way that the producers of ARIA didn't use the character for 1 episode, and forgot about them after that.Even after the first episode, as Akari has her First Customer, & they promise to exchange emails. I Really Admired at How Creative the Idea was to End Every Episode with the Words & Comments from the character of the first episode. Showing that they aren't forgotten, unlike how most animes forget its previous characters that it has used.
However, a flaw is that... sometimes Alicia's "Ara Ara" could get annoying. =/ I think they already overdid the "Ara Ara" in the very first episode. They probably should have cut down on that.=/ But then again, I believe that the "Ara Ara" were meant to be Heartwarming Words That would always make you feel at home when you hear them, so i guess i have to say that the producers kinda didn't do this part well. >_<""" But Otherwise, I Really Truly Enjoyed ARIA The Animation... How Long has it BEEN?! Since I Have Came Across Such a Beautiful Anime with Such a Nice, Beautiful, Optimistic Look at Life... =) For those Negative People Like Me who Enjoyed Animes like Fruits Basket, I'm pretty sure that ARIA the Animation would Definitely Interest you... =) However, If you're the kind of anime viewer that just wants lots of action or lots of romance or lots of drama or lots of comedy or anything. Stay away from this anime. Cause ARIA the Animation isn't the kind of anime that shoves all of that into your face in one go. It just slowly fills you up, like how the planet was first slowly filled up with water... & finally reached the stage where the world was full of this beautiful water and sceneries... Like I Said, this anime should probably be watched at night, at the end of a tiring day, where you wanna relax, this slow peaceful anime should be just right. =) For those people who had expected a lot from this anime, and felt unsatisfied and as though they had wasted their time after watching ARIA, they'd definitely disagree with my opinions. But it can't be helped that this genre isn't for everyone, and there are bound to be people out there who won't enjoy ARIA the Animation. But otherwise, It's Truly a Beautiful Anime with Wonderful Thoughts~!
My Rating...9.75/10

Animation: 9.5/10
Comment: Beautiful Sceneries. Great Character Designs & Elegance of the Undine's Uniforms. =) However, the animation wasn't very clean as expected of a 2005 anime. =/ but that's forgivable. x)
Music/Sounds: 10/10
Comment: The Sounds Were Really Beautiful. the OP theme was a Really Melodious Song. The ED Theme is a Sweet Peaceful Song. The Insert Songs are Great as Well. Seiyuus Did a Wonderful Job Too~! DEFINITELY 10/10 for the Sounds~! =D
Story: 10/10
Comment: The Thoughts & Opinions Embedded within Every Episode was Just Really Beautiful. Every Episode contained a Different Thought, which is Great because of the Variety. =)
Characters: 9.5/10
Comment: The Characters were quite well developed & their personalities are really unique. =) However, Alicia's constant "Ara Ara" can get slightly/really annoying after the first episode. <_<
Tear Factor:

Comment: ARIA The Animation is not the Kind of Anime that is Out to Make you cry Buckets. BUT If you DO Get Touched by the Emotions, then you should probably feel really Really Touched. At least I was, & I Really felt as though the Thoughts & Opinions were So Darn Amazing, That I Cried out of Joy & Happiness... T_T. which is a good thing, because most animes out there make you cry cause of sad heart-breaking climaxes. x)
Comedy Factor:

Comment: It's Not out to Make you Laugh. & If you don't like Shojo Humour, you'd probably find the jokes lame. -_-. But I found myself Laughing Out Loud at the Jokes Anyway. x)
Excitement/Suspense/Surprising Factor:Comment: hmm? what's there to be surprised about? ARIA the Animation isn't Out to Excite you or Give you Suspense, its surprises are probably pretty predictable most of the time anyway. =/ but that's not the key point to what makes ARIA great anyway.
Meaningful Factor:

Comment: TRULY Beautiful Meanings. Truly Amazing Thoughts. Truly Wonderful Emotions~! T_T. All These That are Embedded into Each and Every episode of ARIA, A Different Lesson every Episode, & The Variety's Good. =) I Truly Enjoyed This Quality of ARIA & I Think Its Meanings are What Makes ARIA the Animation Such a GREAT Anime~! =D
Overall, Need I repeat Myself? Aria the Animation isn't the kind of Anime that Everyone will Enjoy. It's For those who's had a Tiring day & Wants something to Relax to... & this anime provides that relaxation with a little comedy, BUt LOTS of Beautiful thoughts that you might never have come across before. =)
Click Here to See Legend...Screenshots...For a Preview of Aria the Animation's Pretty Sceneries, Here are a Few Screenshots. x)

Yep, I Really Enjoyed ARIA the Animation. The Meanings & Thoughts are Just SOoO Darn Beautiful~! T_T!!! It's Soo Rare that I Cry Out of Happiness from an Anime. =) I Really Can't Wait to Watch the Next Season~! =D
Until My Next Review,
JoeL Un... =)